Well, it's a new month! January 2015 brought me a lot of joy (
Star Wars!
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl!
Galaxy Quest: The Journey Continues!), and this month introduces Phil Noto variant covers. I'll be featuring those as often as I can, because they are absolutely
gorgeous, and since he's one of my favorite artists, I may be buying titles I don't normally just so I can get the covers framed.
Anyway, here's what I'll be reading on Wednesday!
Definitely To-Buy
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #3 Phil Noto Variant Via Go Collect |
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #3 (Marvel) - I have some reservations about
A:AA. Well, actually, it's one big gripe: can we please stop reiterating that she's an Angel of Heven who requires payment for whatever? It seems like it's the same speech each time. It was fine in the first issue, giving us a glimpse into who Angela is, but just repeating the theme to a small girl in the United States - who just fucking wants her ball back - was a little eyeroll-worthy. Other than that, I'm heavily invested in this series and kind of hope that Loki remains an important supporting character.
Birthright #5 Via Image Comics |
Birthright #5 (Image) - Okay, so what in the hell is going on? And I mean that in the best way possible. Is Mikey really a bad dude? Is the guy supposedly a Big Bad actually a good guy? I have
so many questions, and this is the end of the first arc, so hopefully, some will be answered? Williamson, don't fail me now!
Operation: S.I.N. #2 Via Marvel Comics |
Operation: S.I.N. #2 (of 5) (Marvel) - Between Peggy Carter's quippiness and Howard Stark's shared traits with his son, Tony, I loved everything about this first issue. I'm still getting used to seeing Peggy as a blonde - despite what other's are saying,
Agent Carter, has thoroughly gotten my attention - but her resourcefulness and intelligence are major positives for me and are stark contrasts between the TV version of her. I think one of the drawbacks to the TV show is that, despite her set of skills, she doesn't behave that way in front of her superiors, unlike how confident she is when she's in her element. But I digress: I will be buying this whole series, most definitely.
Star Wars #2 Via Marvel Comics |
Star Wars #2 (Marvel) - Yeah, I'm a
Star Wars nerd, and yeah, I loved this first issue. What did you expect?? I really like the vintage look that John Cassaday gives the book, and Jason Aaron has an understanding of the characters that other iterations of the classic
Star Wars universe just haven't been able to capture. Aaron's version of Han is near-perfect, and his Luke has the immature brashness that really reminded me of
A New Hope. Now, this does get me nearly giddily excited about the limited
Princess Leia series that's coming out in March (as well as
Darth Vader), but I think this will do just nicely in the interim.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 (Marvel) - Almost directly after I read the opening pages of issue #1, I called up my comic shop and asked them to add the series to my pulls. I already did a review for the first issue, so I won't rehash what I wrote there, but this is another comic that I'm ridiculously excited to pick up this week.
Wytches #4 Via Image Comics |
Wytches #4 (Image) - This was supposed to come out two weeks ago, according to Previews, but oh, well. I'll just repeat what I said there: I am not going to lie; this series both confuses and intrigues me. Sometimes, I feel like I know what's going on, and at other times, I wonder if I should go back and read the first couple of issues before continuing with the recent one. Luckily, this is only issue four, so reading the three before really isn't that big of a task, but as the number continues to grow, I'm not sure if I'll be willing to backtrack that much.
Trade Only
- Hinterkind #15 (Vertigo)
- Ms. Marvel #11 (Marvel)
- Saga #25 (Image)
- Swamp Thing #39 (DC)
- Velvet #9 (Image)
- The Woods #10 (Boom! Studios)
I'll Read It
Ant-Man #2 (Marvel) - So I didn't hate the first issue of Ant-Man, but the only reason I bought it was because the manager of the comic shop where I go loved it immensely and I promised him that I would talk to him about it. I don't know if it will ever become a must-buy, but for now, I'll check in each month to see what is going on.
Hawkeye #21 (Marvel) - After God knows how many delays, the penultimate issue of a series that's getting rebooted in a few months is here! I'm not going to buy the issue, because guess what. The $100 hardcover is coming out soon, and dammit, I need all of my money saved so I can buy
Nameless #1 (Image) - This series sounds
insane, but then again, it is Grant Morrison. I'm going to go in with an open mind, however, especially since the whole
ODY-C thing left me feeling gun-shy about getting excited about a new comic. (And yes, I will be doing another review on
ODY-C fairly soon, although I'm not sure when that will be.) Plus, Morrison has always been sort of hit-or-miss with me; I either love him, such as the case with
The Multiversity, or loathe him, like with
Postal #1 Via Image Comics |
Postal #1 (Image) - Kind of like
Nameless, I'm trying to stay as even-keel about it. Based on the description on Image's website, it sounds promising, but I'll wait until I see it before I get too stoked.
Return of the Living Deadpool #1 (of 4) (Marvel) - As much as I enjoy Deadpool, I am getting a little tired of Marvel churning out limited series after limited series. I get that he's popular and that this will most likely sell -
Night of the Living Deadpool was actually pretty good, although
Deadpool Killustrated remains my favorite limited series that ever came out - but please, can they look at somebody else? The cover is pretty badass, though.
Slightly Interesting
- All-New Captain America: Fear Him #1 (Marvel) - I don't really know what I'm expecting from this one. I like Sam Wilson as Captain America, as I've said several times, but I'm not sure he needs three books at this point. Granted, this is only a four-issue thing, but still.
- Cluster #1 (Boom! Studios) - This interview with the writer of the series actually almost makes me place it in the "I'll Read It" category, but I wasn't necessarily the biggest fan of his Sons of Anarchy series, so I'm skeptical.
- Guardians of the Galaxy & The X-Men: Black Vortex Alpha #1 (Marvel) - Because who needs another crossover event? WHY, YOU DO, OF COURSE! I swear, if we can just stop with all of this. Anyway, this does look somewhat intriguing, but even if I were to buy it, it would just be a part of my trade collection instead of single issues.
- Batman '66 #19 (DC) - I know that I said I was thoroughly enjoying the silliness that is this series, but I just haven't been keeping up with it recently. I may pick up the trade after a while, but for now, I'm just going to take it off of my pull list.
- Escape from New York #3 (Boom! Studios) - I just feel like it didn't really capture the tone of the movie well enough, and if you're gonna do Snake Plissken, you have to go all the hell out. While I'm not as sad about this as I am She-Hulk, it's still kind of a kick in the gut.
- Feathers #2 (Boom! Studios) - I didn't get a chance to read the first issue because of the move, and based on a lot of the reviews, it's not really something I'd be interested in, anyway. So, bye-bye, Feathers!
- Lady Killer #2 (of 5) (Dark Horse) - This is one that I may catch a peek of the trade, but meh, I just wasn't feeling it. I'm a little tougher on limited series than I am on ongoing, so if the first issue doesn't grab me by the throat, I'm quick to toss it.
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