Life with Pets

My existence is run by four furry creatures, whether or not I like it.
Sabrina/Bina Boo-boo Bear/The Chill One
Kitkat/Tyrannical Not-Friend
Bitsy/Little Shit/Esther
Zola/Furious Z/The Schmuggs
Nearly completely blind now, Zola has been with me since she was just a few months old, a teeny ball of pure puppy energy that she still maintains, despite the fact that she is, as of today, six years old. Not the brightest bulb in the box, she nevertheless is a fountain of unconditional love. Three and I adopted Bina a few days after we got married and is the resident calming factor of the group, although she is consistently hungry and desirous of pets. She tends to be very quiet, most of the time, unless her food or water bowl isn't to her liking. Kitkat came into our lives - well, returned to mine, as I was there for her birth - around six months after Bina, when my sister asked if we would be able to take her off her hands. She's somewhat of a territorial bitch but is very clearly Three's cat, although she does occasionally decide that I'm okay, too. And then Bitsy adopted me as her human when we moved to small town, after she was brutally thrown out of her house as a kitten into a neighborhood of profesh strays. An excessively talkative little thing, she greets me each morning with a loud meow (we think she's part Siamese) and sits on my shoulders as often as she can. Needless to say, I am never bored. 

Here is where you can come to go directly to the various one-act plays that are simply retellings of my daily interactions with these little fuckers. Enjoy!

When Kitkat Is Happy
Three, the Cats, and a Tent (Guest Post)
Kitkat Is Born
Bina v Zola
Bitsy Adopts Juju
Bitsy Is Preggo
Flea Baths

NOTE: As of 6/23/2015, in an event known as The Kittening, Bitsy gave birth to six adorable little munchkins (Willa Dee, Tyrol, Mushroom, Princess Peach, Bubbles, and The Duke), and they are definitely going to be making some appearances around here soon.

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