Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bucket List

I didn't get to watch the Oscars this year due to lack of access to television. Since my movie watchage has decreased as of late, I wasn't really interested in watching the awards ceremony, although the buzz going around "The Artist" has me itching for when it's on Netflix, but I really wanted to see the dresses. I know, I know, I could just go online and look at pictures, but it's not the same.

I don't think I could ever be a celebrity. I just value my anonymity, where people don't really care what boring shit I do on a regular basis. I can go to the grocery store and not have paparazzi snap photos of my shopping trip ensembles. However, I would LOVE to go to an awards show, all primped and fancy. This got me thinking about the other things I want to do in my lifetime. My bucket list is probably a little boring to most, but hey, it's mine.

  1. Attend an Oscar/Golden Globes ceremony
  2. Attend a World cup
  3. Attend a San Diego Comicon
  4. Visit India and Southeast Asian countries
  5. Visit South America
  6. Run a marathon
  7. Get a book published
  8. Shoot and screen an animated and/or live-action film(s)
  9. Attend an Olympics ceremony
  10. Go on a ghost hunt
  11. Hike a mountain over 14,000 feet
  12. Run my own store/business
  13. Own a goat farm to make goat cheese
  14. Maintain my own website for my story series
  15. Get my Master's degree in English (creative writing)
  16. Complete a survivalist course
  17. Learn how to scuba

It's pretty short right now, of course, since I just started it today, but I'm hoping that it will get longer. Or more accurately, that I'll complete a lot of things on it so I'll have to expand it.

Does anyone else have a list like this? I'm usually much more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of gal, but I'm worried that I'm going to forget some of the things that I want to accomplish. I'm kind of flighty that way. Just ask my family and friends.


  1. I've probably edited mine a few times, but I composed my first a little over 8 years ago, when I was 16. From the journal I no longer use:

  2. top 2 on my list:
    1. Drive a bugatti Veyron around the Nurbergring.
    2. Ride a Ducati Monster around the Nurbergring.


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