Sunday, December 27, 2015

Well, the last quarter of the year has been a complete bitch.

Okay, it's time to play catch up. What with NaNoWriMo - which I didn't finish because, well, I'll get to that in a second - the Reboot challenge, hosting my first ever Thanksgiving dinner, working now two jobs, and traveling to Nashville for Christmas, I haven't really had much energy or time to dedicate to my blog. I feel really bad about it, not so much because people pay attention to what I have to say, but because this is kind of like my diary, my way of processing through whatever it is that happens to be whirling around in my head at the moment. It's helpful for me to process things that way.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

30 Day Reboot Challenge, Day 30: What I Would Like to See Next

When I found out Reboot was getting ... rebooted, I had mixed feelings. One, obviously, was OMGOMGOMGOMG, and the next was, "Wait, what? Noooooooooo," followed by confusion and a kind of "meh" feeling. I mean, I wasn't too thrilled with the comic several years ago, and apparently, Rainmaker Animation is going to combine live action and digital stuff because Users are now Guardians or something. I don't know. I'm trying not to pre-judge the show like I did with Supergirl, which I am totally enjoying by the way, but as someone who is kind of over reboots, it's proving to be rather difficult to keep an open mind about it.

This is one of those times I feel like things should be left alone and that the entire series should just be released on Blu-Ray. Yes, even the dismal fourth season. I am, after all, the person who owns all of the seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Friends because I am a completionist. So that is what I would prefer to see.

And here ends my 30 Day Challenge! Onto your regularly scheduled programming, I suppose, at least until February, which seems a lot closer than it should, actually. Damn, time flies.

30 Day Reboot Challenge, Day 29: How Reboot Inspires Me

Good gracious, the easier thing to do would be to write about how Reboot doesn't inspire me, because damn if my list isn't long: the world creation, the gradual character development, the storylines (except the fourth season in general, naturally), the visuals, the diversity of the female cast, etc. Even with its issues, which I've gone over this month, Reboot is still miles above a lot of TV that came after it.

I really do wish that children's programming took a bit of inspiration from Reboot. It was obviously made for children, especially evident in the first two seasons, but it didn't necessarily dumb things down for them (unless they were forced to by censors, but whatever) or put a moral-of-the-story at the end of each episode. Like John Hughes movies from the 80s, where the main characters were all teenagers dealing with teenager angst and confusion and what-have-you, the audience wasn't looked down upon and expected to be too stupid or inexperienced to understand what was going on. I mean, just take a look at My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as another example. Both MLP and Reboot have a large following of adult viewers, and both the adult and child audiences appreciate the messages and the fun of each show, even if they're on different levels. While I don't think I'll ever create something meant for kids - I'm not saying ever, but it's highly unlikely, since I like to use the word "fuck" a lot and apparently, people aren't too keen on introducing their kids to swearing early on - it is definitely encouraging to see that writers can still talk about Issues without completely dumbing it down or treating children like they are incapable of getting more complex messages than what they get out of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

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