Thursday, October 26, 2017

Parks and Recreation Supplemental Post: Ben Wyatt

Via Parks and Recreation Tumblr
I kind of want to go back and redo my Favorite Ben Moment now and change it to when he went back to Partridge, MN, and got kidney stones, but thems the breaks, I guess.

Anyway, magic happened when Adam Scott's Ben Wyatt and Rob Lowe's Chris Traeger came onto Parks and Rec. The rest of season two was such an amazing departure from the bubble-headed, kind of dull show that it was during its first season, starting with the gay penguin wedding, but those last two episodes - "The Master Plan" and "Freddy Spaghetti" - were the two strongest of the season, mainly due to the interplay between the actors. Leslie's steamroller personality was no match for Ben's no-nonsense approach to budgeting, and even though I knew* that Ben would eventually become her love interest, I couldn't wait to see why they got together.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Parks and Recreation Supplemental Post: April Ludgate

I know, I know, these are taking longer to complete than I thought, but at least I am doing them. My life is crazy right now, and it's not even November yet. Did you know that working two jobs, trying to find a full-time one, looking for a roommate, prepping to write 50,000 words in 30 days, keeping up (somewhat) with a blog, sleeping, having a sort-of social life, eating, exercising, etc. is really hard to do*?

Anyway, today is April's Day!
I honestly think that people want to be the April of their friend/work groups because she's so distinctively different from the rest of the cast: she's morbid, zany, antisocial, random, and secure in who she is as a person, which is not necessarily common in younger people. I know when I was her age at the beginning of the series, I was figuring out who I was and what I wanted out of life. While she may not have known the latter part, she was confident in her personality from the get-go, and that's definitely something that people would be drawn to.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Parks and Recreation Supplemental Post: Tom Haverford

Via Uproxx
Like I said back on Day 29 of my Parks and Rec challenge, I was incredibly annoyed by Tom at first. It was mainly the first season, though, which I think can be somewhat excused because the writers were just figuring out who Tom was, and as the character was fleshed out from merely a bored government employee who thought he was the next Jay-Z or whatever into a motivated (albeit usually outside of work) and creative entrepreneur, it became so much easier to root for him. He wasn't perfect, obviously; his attempts to attract a woman* were cringeworthy, he is obsessed with Having Things, and he was ruthlessly cruel to Garry, all of which are huge issues for me. He also has this incessant need to perform for others and to receive praise for it (I mean, who doesn't need a pat on the back once in a while, but I'd much rather see appreciation in the form of more cash per hour), but I guess that's why he's perfectly suited for (spoiler alert) a future career as a self-help guru.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Parks and Recreation Supplemental Post: Ann Perkins

Via Gifrific
I'm going to start with Ann Perkins here because, well ... in my life and circle of friends, I am Ann. At first, I resented this because I'm not really the straight man kind of character that Ms. Perkins is - seriously, just ask my friends - but as I reexamined the character, I had that mindblowing realization that a big part of the reason I initially had issues with her was because I identified strongly with her series arc.

In which I decide to overload myself ...

Via Popkey
Well, I cannot stay not busy to save my life, apparently. Last month, I did another challenge - and I, if I do say so myself, was very pleased with the results and even finished on time! - at the same time I was working 50 - 60 hours at two jobs, and this month is going to be spent prepping for what is coming next month: NaNoWriMo, or for you laypeople, National Novel Writing Month. Well, that and doing supplemental character posts for my Parks and Rec challenge (which, shit, I really need to start doing those), moving into a new apartment (omg finally*), working, setting up and attending meetings for a paper my friend and I will be starting next year, collecting pieces for my Halloween costume**, getting CPR, ACE Fitness, and pharmacy technician certified, painting a new watercolor/mixed media series, and reworking my pilot script, so yeah, it's going to be a little crazy.
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