Monday, May 25, 2015

Random Possibly Unpopular Opinions

  1. Racing games and first person shooters are vastly inferior to RPGs. 
  2. I don't like Nirvana and don't really understand the hype. It's not like I hate them - although Kurt Cobain's voice grates on my nerves - and I'll listen to one or two of their songs, but for the most part, I agree with Frances Bean on this one. Grunge is just not my scene.
  3. Diet Dr. Pepper is better than regular Dr. Pepper. 
  4. While I am a comic book nerd at heart, I am getting worn out on seeing a new superhero movie every fucking year. Almost enough to not care that Captain Marvel will be getting her own movie in three years. And I love me some Captain Marvel. 
  5. I adore Benedict Cumberbatch as an actor. Hell, I even liked him in Star Trek: Into Darkness. However, as a sex symbol? Uh-uh. He reminds me of Bruce, the big shark from Finding Nemo
  6. Garlic is the absolute worst spice ever, especially before you go to bed. I'm looking at you, HusFriend. 
  7. I prefer the simpering, immature characters in Jane Austen's books over her supposed heroines, who, to me, are mostly boring and pretentious (see: Fanny Price). 
  8. Eyeliner and Chapstik are the only two pieces of makeup anyone absolutely needs. Okay, maybe mascara, but that's pushing it. 
  9. Gin is the worst liquor on the planet. Ever. 
  10. Bourbon is the best liquor on the planet. My inner Polish heritage is crying right now. 
  11. Libertarianism is for selfish people. 
  12. I would actually miss the penny if we ever removed it from circulation. It keeps my piggy bank somewhat colorful.
  13. Kittens, while adorable, are much less preferable than an elderly cat who literally just wants to laze around and/or eat until it dies. 
  14. I hate winter. Like hate. Give me the blazing hot days of summer and you'll have a happy Juju. 
  15. I truly do not care if my veggies are organic. I do care if they are locally grown, though. Support your local farmers!
  16. Goodwill is just as bad as Wal-Mart or Target. There are much better thrift shops around that actually help people and don't give their CEO a personal jet. 
  17. N*SYNC is better than the Backstreet Boys. 
  18. Staying blond is way too much work. 
  19. Out of all the pantheons of all the religions in the world, the Hindu avatars make the most sense to me. 
  20. Out of all of the religions in the world, Buddhism speaks to me the most. 
  21. The Restoration Period (right after the Civil War) is probably one of the more interesting eras of United States history. 
  22. "Open floorplan" is one of the most awful phrases in the human language, especially in reference to any show featuring white people looking to buy a house. 
  23. I miss the soft rock and easy listening of the mid-1990s. Yes, even Bryan Adams. 
  24. Diversity is what I look for when I am trying to decide if I want to pick up a comic book. All straight white people? Thanks, I'll pass. 
  25. I'd rather camp in a tent than in a camper. 
  26. Paper and pen trumps tablet and nib. 
  27. Freesia is one of the worst smells that Bath and Body Works ever produced. See also: nearly any scent that Victoria's Secret ever produced. 
  28. I own an Xbox but would rather have a Playstation. 
  29. Indian cuisine is the tastiest in existence.  
  30. Vacuuming is the most soothing chore, but cleaning out a toilet is a close second. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

... On That War

In what may be one of my more popular posts, I talked about my body image. It's something with which I will most likely struggle for the rest of my life, even as I reach an age where society tells me I won't care any longer. Of course, I'd like to think that, since that article from 2012, I've matured enough to where my thoughts are drastically different from three years ago. I just let out a little chuckle; I know it's naive, even as I type the sentence. Such deeply ingrained ideas are very difficult to eradicate.

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Lord Was Testing Me

I am a homeowner for the first time. The elation that is flooding over me is nearly indescribable, even as I look around my living room and see the massive project that awaits me. I came into this with my eyes wide open, fully aware of the necessary time and work, but it is all worth it. No longer do I have to deal with a landlord who considers me inferior because I happen to have breasts or downstairs neighbors who have after-mixers at their place until 4A. I can paint the walls and construct kitty ledges and rip up flooring, all to my heart's content. It's invigorating.

But I swear, I nearly cut a bitch in the process. You may want to go brew yourself some tea and pop a bag of popcorn, 'cause this is going to take a while.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ugghhh ...

Yeah, sorry about the lack of Star Wars posts ... or anything at all, actually. Last week I came down with what may be one of the worst sicknesses I've ever had to suffer. At first, I thought I was pregnant - all the fun nausea and bloating a girl could want - and I had to call my mom to ask her what acid reflux's symptoms were. But after a few days, I was completely exhausted, and I felt like there was this cold balloon in my stomach; I couldn't eat anything other than maybe one or two crackers, and throwing up was always something I wanted to actually do, especially when a wave of nausea hit, but my body would never let me. So I went to the doctor and voila! My stomach was a breeding ground for ulcers, apparently. Thankfully, I hadn't developed one, but the doctor put me on some Zofran and a muscle relaxer that I cannot pronounce to make sure that I wouldn't.

Basically, what I'm saying is that I was pretty much in bed for the past week, save for a walk to the mailbox (which, of course, left me zapped of all energy), and even staying awake to read a book, watch a movie, or sit up to type on a computer was nearly impossible. Hence I'm behind. Again. I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm still not 100% up to speed, but I'm currently working on the past posts, and everything will pick back up tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I Have the Worst Luck with Cars, Part XX: Goddammit ... And Then There Was Light?

You know our girl Fancy? The Countess of Monte Cristo? The Lincoln Town Car of Much Woes? There are so many posts about this car that it's just easier if you go back and read through my whole I Have the Worst Luck with Cars series; plus, ugh, I am sick of that car.

And why is this? Well, let me tell you.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Pull List: Miami Vice Remix #1 Review

You know, I love the Miami Vice TV show, enough that I'll be doing a challenge in August, so when I found out that there was going to be a comic book based series, I was ecstatic. There's something about the campiness of 80s television, especially when it was trying to be gritty and realistic, and Miami Vice was the king of that shit. It's not that it didn't tackle hard topics - rape, homophobia, drug use, etc. - but when compared to The Wire or The Shield, it can seem a little Pollyanna. Blarg, I'm getting ahead of myself here, and I'm also derailing, so ... back to why I'm actually typing.

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