Sunday, April 26, 2015

Along Came Ms. Polly ...

When I was very young, prior to the birth of Sister Person, my parents placed me in the care of one Ms. Margie, who was quite possibly the most amazing woman ever. It was she who introduced me to the coma-inducing drone of the weather channel, a practice that works to this day, and who inspired me to potty train at an early age, in order to be a Big Girl*. Ms. Margie was the paragon by which all other future babysitters would be judged, and I was a tough critic, anyway. I can't really remember many sitters after Margie, and that's partially because my mother rarely used them. I mean, sure, my parents went out on dates and ... did something with us. Sent us to neighbors' houses? Got teenagers to come over? Had my grandparents come up/down as kind of a weird, torturous sort of vacation from their lives as retirees? I think all of these apply, actually, but like I said, my memory on this is not too great. Unless we are talking about Miss Polly. Because I remember that woman clearly.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Pull List: Convergence: The Question #1 Review

Let's get one thing straight: I do not give a single shit about DC's Convergence or Marvel's Secret Wars events. It's already hard enough to keep up with the collective histories of each publisher's universes, but when you tie in all of your titles into one big giant smorgasbord, it gets too overwhelming for me, both in a monetary sense and a story one. I get what Big Events serve: it's publicity, pure and simple, designed to excite current readers and entice others. But it alienates others, like me. I don't expect that publishing to please me at all times, but it's a big reason that I tend to read indie comic series and don't get too emotionally invested in a lot of Marvel or DC titles.

That being said, I made exceptions for a few comics during Convergence because of my love for the characters: Catwoman, Justice Society of America, Swamp Thing, and The Question*. So far, the only one I've read is The Question, and I must say, I was pleased to see Renee Montoya again.

Oh, and possible mild spoilers below the cut!

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Pull List: RUNLOVEKILL #1 Review

Welcome back, me!

After a not posting anything for a while, I figured to jump head first into the many new comics that have been coming out recently. I'm actually a little scared for my wallet, especially now that I've seen the solicits for June and July* of this year, but hey, I'll use this as an exercise in self-control. Not that the publishing companies will make it easy on me, but that's part of the fun, I suppose.

As kind of an aside, I'm actually a little disappointed with what Image is offering over the next few months in terms of new material. After Bitch Planet, Low, and Copperhead - each with awesome female leads - there's an uptick of yet again male-dominated titles coming out, both with casts and creators. It's not that I don't like reading comics that don't have a female lead - All-New Captain America is pretty great, as is Hawkeye, although one could argue that Kate is co-lead there - but it almost seems to be a subtle backlash akin to that whole Hugo Sad Puppies bullshit that's going on. But I digress.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Well ... that took longer than expected.

As you may have noticed, I haven't been around the past two months. It's been a little on the nutso side of things; from having mental breakdowns, penny-pinching, losing an internet connection because the apartment basically lied to us, and moving for the third* time in eleven months, I haven't been able to focus as much time as I'd like on here, but hey, all that's behind us. I mean, I'll probably have more emotional revelations that send me into fits of despair, but I'll be on here, ready to share. Which actually, why don't I start with some updates?
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