Monday, February 22, 2016

29 Day Cowboy Bebop Challenge, Day 22: Storyline I Wish Went Longer

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Cowboy Bebop is damned near perfection when it comes to plot. Not only are episodes dedicated solely to character development, but everything is tied together in the end, even if it is bittersweet. So I can't really say that there is any storyline I wish was extended, which kind of seems like a cop out, but I'm okay with that.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

29 Day Cowboy Bebop Challenge, Day 21: Something That Didn't Happen I Wish Did

To be honest, there's not a lot about Cowboy Bebop that I would change, as evidenced by yesterday's post, so today is going to be short and sweet: I wish we could have seen how Jet handled the finale. His entire life was wrapped up in the crew - especially Spike - and now, all he has left is Faye. I understand that Bebop is ultimately Spike's story, but they spent so much time building up the rest of the main cast that I feel a bit cheated without knowing what Jet's reaction to the events was. Oh, well. I can write fanfic, I guess.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

29 Day Cowboy Bebop Challenge, Day 20: Something That Happened I Wish Didn't

Cowboy Bebop is one of those shows that I feel is nearly flawless in its execution. Sure, it has its problems - "Gateway Shuffle," for example - but every detail was so exhaustively planned that to change anything would make that puzzle just sort of fall apart.

Friday, February 19, 2016

29 Cowboy Bebop Challenge, Day 19: Dubbed or Subbed?

When it comes to foreign cinema, in most cases, I would rather read the subtitles than hear completely retooled dialogue that is devoid of the cultural context of the original language. Watching martial arts movies from the 70s and 80s, it's painful to see English voice actors try their damnedest to fit English words to the lips of the on-screen actors, and it's actually a little worse with anime. The first Akira dub was awful, mispronouncing names and acting like they were in a kids' movie*, and Bubblegum Crisis' voice actors sounded both over-the-top and monotone (sometimes simultaneously, which I didn't think was possible) that I nearly refused to watch the rest of the series after the first few minutes of the first episode. Then there's the whole Sailor Moon thing, which I will be discussing in a future challenge.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

29 Day Cowboy Bebop Challenge, Day 16: Favorite Location

Yay, a short answer one! The universe we see in Cowboy Bebop has some amazing scenery, from the Martian landscape to the endlessness of open space, but my favorite location we see in the series is Venus, especially because of the last scene in "Waltz for Venus." It's just so pretty, and you know what, I'd brave the possibility of getting Venus Sickness just to see this:
Via Gary's "Cowboy Bebop" Page
Floating cities! It's like Bespin but cooler! Now, I can't find a picture to show you - I'm side-eyeing the internet really hard right now - but one of my favorite images from the episode is when the spores are floating in the sky, and OMG, it's so beautiful. It just gives you an excuse to watch the episode, I guess!

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