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Via Comic Book Resources |
I'll admit that I only liked two of the Edge of Spider-Verse one-shots (OMG SPIDEY-GWEN IS GETTING HER OWN COMIC), but I have hesitated getting into Spider-Man for a while now. I loved the series as a kid, but I just sort of grew tired of Peter Parker and his antics. But! That being said, the new Jessica Drew makes her first (re)appearance in this issue, and Spider-Verse officially starts here. I'm a little overwhelmed with all the events going on right now - Future's End, World's End, Original Sin, the "Death" of Wolverine, Spider-Verse, etc. - but I think that this is the one that I'm most excited about. Although that's mostly because of Spider-Woman and Spidey-Gwen. I'm not even going to try and lie about that.
Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #4 (Marvel)
The last issue was a little lackluster and definitely didn't pump me up like the second one did, but we're basically at the halfway mark now. The conflict between the Avengers and mutants is a little overwrought, in my opinion, but hey, you have to keep the tension in a story somehow, I guess. Sadly, because I wasn't too into the last issue, I don't have much to say about this one except that ... meh?
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Via Image Comics |
Ahh, I remember when I was all, "Oh, I hope this isn't a scary horror comic because I am a giant baby." Such simple times. Like The Wicked + The Divine's arc ending a few weeks ago, I was surprised by the reveal at the end of the first issue - I gasped aloud - and tried to mentally prepare myself for where the story could go from there. I can honestly say that I have no damn idea. But I can tell you that I can't wait to find out.
Cloaks #3 (Boom! Studios)
Dammit, I forgot to read #2 last month. It's sitting in my box and everything. Oh, well. That just means more to read for this week. Yay.
Deadpool's The Art of War #2 (Marvel)
The first issue was a little slow at the beginning, but now that Loki has Thor in his clutches - thanks to Deadpool's meddling - things are gonna get interesting. I can't imagine that this will end well for anyone involved here, except maybe Thor and Major Publisher, but that's kind of what makes Deadpool so fun to read.
The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #3 (Valiant)
I'm a little sad that this series isn't selling better than it is. I love this take on the good Doctor, and, if I may say so, I believe it is even better than the original. The characterization is richer, the art is much more fluid and somewhat impressionist, and the story is deeper than it ever was before. It was almost like Doctor Mirage was just Valiant's response to Marvel's Dr. Strange, but with Shan taking the mantle of Mirage - as well as being written by a woman - it has a voice of its own that I find refreshing. It only has a few more issues, but hopefully, it will pick up steam, and even if it doesn't become so successful as to be given ongoing status, maybe writer Jen Van Meter will be given more to work on.
Detective Comics #36 (DC)
Basically, the Joker's back, all of Batman's friends have been turned against him, and things are looking crazy. You know, it's Batman. Er, Detective Comics. I don't really get why Batman has as many titles as he does: Batman and Robin, Batman, Detective Comics, and Batman/Superman (that's it, right?). I get that he's a popular character, and just look at how many series are coming out based on Wolverine's death, but I don't know. I meshed the plots of Batman and Detective Comics together or switched various details so often that it confused me enough to go back and read both several times over. And I'm not even 100% sure that the effort is worth it. Oh, well. We shall see.
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Via DC Comics |
I really, really like Earth 2, but this Apokolips thing? I am having such a hard time not rolling my eyes whenever I see that name. However, his four Furies? They're pretty fucking awesome. War kicked everybody's asses (all the while giving us gratuitous crotch shots, I guess), and Death is just plain terrifying (look at those glowing eyes). I'm curious about the teaser - that these guys play a larger role in the multiple universes - and hope that it's more than a Dragonball Z-esque filler issue, where they're powering up or something.
Earth 2: World's End #5 (DC)
I don't have a lot of knowledge about Solomon Grundy, except I think I remember a little rhyme Sesame Street did where Solomon Grundy was taking a bath and only washing parts of himself on different days. Methinks the characters are not the same. Anyway, I may be overly ambitious by reading both Earth 2 and World's End, since, like Batman and Detective Comics, the stories started to intertwine in ways they probably shouldn't. I'm going to start taking notes.
God Hates Astronauts #3 (Image)
The novelty of this title is starting to wear a bit, and I'm just not as amused by the insanity that covers every single page. At this point, I'm considering dropping it after a few more issues, but for now, I'm just going to try and enjoy the crazy. Plus, that cover cracks me up.
Gotham Academy #2 (DC)
Last month's issue was a fairly strong opener, setting the stage for what's to come. Not a lot happened, plot-wise, but I am okay with a slower pace at the beginning of a new series, especially since it seems to be focusing on mystery and eeriness.
Green Lantern #36 (DC)
Godhead continues! I am pleasantly surprised that this event has grabbed my attention like it has. Now that I have a firmer grasp on who these people are and what's going on, I feel like I'm prepared to continue into the Antimatter Universe as DC promises in their little blurb.
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Via Image Comics |
I don't even know, you guys. I saw the cover, read that it was about a monkey biker gang who calls itself the Humans, and that is the extent of my knowledge. Who knows? This could become my new favorite thing ever.
Men of Wrath #2 (Icon)
Not much to say about this one, actually. I liked the first issue enough to buy it, although it does seem to be just another Southern Bastards. Time shall tell!
The Names #3 (Vertigo)
So happy that this series got extended by a couple of issues. I'm not entirely sure what this means - either they underestimated the space needed to tell the story, or there might be more aspects added to the story (that's more wishful thinking than anything else) - except that I get more The Names. The more ass Katya kicks, the better, and nothing seems to be slowing down.
Penny Dora and the Wishing Box #1 (Image)
Image mentioned Coraline. SOLD.
Rocket Raccoon #5 (Marvel)
This series is definitely firmly in my read-only pile, but it's just such a fun experience that I may possibly end up buying the trade. You know, when we get a copy in our sales books. The colors and art style are so delightful; the storyline is fun and energetic, but it just isn't something I simply have to own, like Ms. Marvel or Velvet. I actually prefer Rocket as a supporting character, like he is in Guardians of the Galaxy or Captain Marvel (his interactions with Chewie, Carol's cat/flerken, are hilarious), but I guess, since he's voiced by Bradley Cooper in one of the most successful comic book films ever, he gets to have his own separate title. #shrugs
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 (Marvel)
This three-issue series is probably the title underneath the Spider-Verse banner that I'm least excited about. I dunno, it's like, "Okay, so they're all coming together to fight a new Big Bad. Why do they need this series?" Also, Spider-Ham. God, I hate him. I don't really have any reason other than his existence irritates me. But it may be good and will probably be referred to in the main storyline, so I am going to begrudgingly read this.
Tooth and Claw #1 (Image)
Kurt Busiek is probably one of my favorite writers right now (Astro City is so amazing), which is why I'm going to pick Tooth and Claw up tomorrow. It also doesn't hurt that it's only $2.99 and has no ads and is 48 pages. One of my least favorite things about most comics out today is that every other damn page is an advertisement for yet another comic. I mean, it could be worse; they could try to promote toothpaste or condoms or whey protein shakes. Shit, I hope I didn't just give them any ideas.
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Via Image Comics |
I just picked up the first trade paperback a few weeks ago at the insistence of one of my coworkers. I was skeptical because, as good a writer as Brubaker is, I haven't been that big a fan of his stuff (e.g. The Fade Out, Fatale), but shit, am I glad that my coworker essentially shoved the book in my hands. Velvet is one of the smartest heroines out there, more skilled and experienced than her fellow male spies, and nearly none of them know exactly how dangerous she is. She uses her sexuality of course - this is set in the 1970s - but it's never simply just for T&A. What makes Velvet so special is that she isn't in her "prime," at least by comic book standards: she was an active agent nearly twenty years before. So that would place her around 40 years old, if not older, but her age is never an issue. She is still sexually active and physically fit (although out of practice, since for some reason, Velvet chose to play the role of secretary in her spy firm, something I suspect will be explored during Velvet's run), and Brubaker never has any of the other characters say, "Oh, but she's old now!" It's refreshing to see the writer treat his main female character with the same respect as her male counterparts. We're getting close to the end of the second arc, and I am nearly bouncing in anticipation.
The Woods #7 (Boom! Studios)
Okay, now that I've gone back and read the six previous issues, I am definitely pro-The Woods. It actually made me a little sad that I didn't really care for Tynion's Memetic released last week. Anyway, I'm excited to learn a little more about Ben, who has quickly become one of my favorite characters, and based on the preview, he's going to win me over further.
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