Monday, November 17, 2014

The Pull List: Drifter #1 Review

I don't know if it's this way in every comic book shop around the U.S., but in the last few I've frequented - including the current one at which I work - whenever a new Image comic comes out, people take notice. I guess with the success of The Walking Dead and Saga, both of which have issues that are worth well into the multiple hundreds of dollars, customers just want to be ahead of the game, especially if they are big time collectors. We even have one customer who wants every single Image first issue of anything, even if he never picks up the rest of the series. For me, however, I have the privilege of testing the waters prior to purchase, so I don't always have to worry that all of the issues will be gone by the time I am able to make it to the store. When I picked up the first issue of Drifter, though, I had the feeling that I was reading the beginning of something that was going to be very successful.

Drifter #1 (Esad Ribic cover)
Number one, oh, God, is it beautiful to look at. Nic Klein blew me away on each page with such incredible detailing and color that I spent over three times the amount of time it normally takes me to read an issue, just so I could take it all in. That's not even something I do with Saga, and I adore Fiona Staples' work on that title (of course, I go back and examine it more closely, but that's not the point here).
Via Multiversity Comics
Number two, the dialogue and pacing are amazing. Each character has his/her distinct voice, even with a similar dialect, and the medic is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters (her mohawk is just so cool). The opening sequence gives you just enough information to be as confused as the main character, Abram Pollux - he gets attacked not once, but twice within about two pages, and then we're gradually introduced to this strange new world where Abram has crashed. I won't spoil anything for you, but the final page is not only beautiful but downright exciting: where is this all going to go?

I am really excited to see how this series develops and will most likely be sticking around for the long haul, if this first issue is any indication of quality. Kind of like I was saying about Copperhead, this may be a title that Syfy looks to use to bolster their image as a place for real science fiction.

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