Sunday, November 2, 2014

I Have the Worst Luck with Cars, Part XVII: Siiiiiighhhhh.

Via Monumental Network
So this weekend, I was going to go to Washington, DC, to see none other than Stevie Motherfucking Wonder (that's his real middle name, by the way), and I cannot express to you how excited I was about it. Number one, I'm a huge fan of the man, and I'm pretty sure that I've listened to Songs in the Key of Life about a million times ("Sir Duke" is my favorite song off the album, although "Summer Soft" is a close second), so attending a concert that is all about it? Hell, and may I say, yes. Number two, it has been over two years since Three and I have gone on any kind of vacation, and based on the last year - God, this past year has been awful - we deserve some R&R. It wasn't even going to be extravagant: we were going to be staying in a house (for free) that is owned by a friend's family, and we were splitting the total cost with another couple. The most expensive part of the trip, of course, was the ticket price, but hey, we expected that. It's Stevie Motherfucking Wonder, in case you forgot.

And then, because how else would this end, two of our tires decided that they no longer wanted to be a part of this world. The front left tire went flat, and Three used our spare until that went flat due to an unintended detour into a construction site. After he bought an air compressor and used it to fill the flat tire (that spare was of no use now), he put that back on, but the other tire somehow developed what I kept calling a rubber hemorrhoid (I have no idea what the actual term is). Three said that it was pretty much a sign that the tire could burst at any moment, so yay.

For two weeks, we tried to get replacement tires but every place that Three called didn't have our tire size or they were just ludicrously priced. Things just got down to the wire and we simply had to buy new tires, which ended with us spending nearly $300. On the plus side, our tires are really nice - and green! - but they were the only ones the tire place had in stock, since they'd just that day had a huge sale on all of their stock, leaving only the most expensive tires for us.

Long story short, we no longer have the money to go see Stevie Wonder, so in effort to keep my spirits high, in addition to daily Mass Effect* challenge entries, I'll be posting videos of Stevie Wonder's songs through the end of this week. My friends are still able to go, so we'll be there in spirit, but ... suuuuuuuuuccckkkk.

* If I'm late on these, I'll just do a double or triple post, I think, but I'll try to keep on track. I don't want to have another Buffy issue where it takes me almost two months to do a 30-day challenge. That was ... embarrassing.

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