Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A bit of a Buffy break ...

Ahhhhh, alliteration. How I love thee.

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying my BtVS series so far, but I wanted to take an itsy bitsy breaksy to complain about the 2013 Met Gala. This year's theme was "punk fashion," and I was actually kind of interested to see how people would interpret this because hahaha these are celebrities and they almost always collectively do things wrong. I was not disappointed.

I wanted to scream "THAT IS NOT EVEN PUNK, DO YOU EVEN GO HERE" at my computer screen every time I saw another star parade about in their outfits.

I mean, look at this shit.
What is this I don't even.
I normally adore anything that Nicole Richie does fashion-wise, but apparently, someone told her that it was Halloween and that she should update the Bride of Frankenstein look. And that dress? NOT EVEN PUNK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
I wish I could use my "disgust face" gif right here.
You, of all people in this world, K-Stew, should KNOW BETTER. Also, it looks like you have a giant peach crack crotch here.
I don't think punk existed in the 1950s?
Oh, my dear, sweet Jennifer Lawrence. Wearing black does not make you punk.
So matchymatchy.
I kind of love how Bey is just like, "I don't even care. Punk is dead to me."
I ... just ... WUT.
Elle ... Ellllllle. Eeeelllllllllleeeeee. If this isn't a cry for help, I don't know what is.

Not everything made me want to go school some Hollywood bitches, though.
Actually not that bad. 
Now, this could be my adoration of Milesy speaking, but this was actually more true to the theme than anything else I saw on my feed.
You continue to surprise me, Ms. Hathaway.
This is one of those times that I don't really understand all the Anne Hathaway hate. This is flawless and amazing and still fits with the theme. Good show.
I knew you'd get it right. 
And of course, Lady Madge nailed it because she is the queen of all. P.S. I want your shoes. 

You should go check out Go Fug Yourself later on today for more coverage because 1) they are hilarious and 2) they will have ALL THE PICTURES. 

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